Tuesday, March 31, 2015


 WATER - The Source of Life and Weight Loss

We all need water to survive.  We also need water to loose weight as well as for good health.  I have always heard that a person needs to drink 8 glasses with each containing 8 fluid ounces each for a total of 64 fluid ounces a day.

We all know that by not drinking enough water, we run the risk of becoming dehydrated.  My daughter is prone to dehydration and usually when this happens, she doesn't feel good at all.  I have taken her several times to the doctor for her not feeling good and their diagnosis was always the same, dehydration.  They hooked her up to a Saline solution I.V. and she soon felt 100% better.

I have struggled with my weight for about 15 years or longer and I found out several years ago that I have Type 2 Diabetes.  Water is extremely important to drink to keep your body going and to loose weight.

I have learned that drinking water is the best thing to do.  I do know that some people do not like water at all.  In this case, there are water additives with zero calories such as Crystal Lite and other brands.  These are really good and come in many different flavors.  If you are diabetic as well as needing to loose weight (like me), make sure that the drink additive that you use also contains zero carbohydrates.  There are many different choices out there, you just need to decide which one will work best for you and your situation.  They should be in the drink aisle of your grocery store.

Leave me a comment on your thoughts about water and if you have any ideas on how to improve water intake.  Someone might benefit from the way you do things.

Good luck on your own personal MISSION TO THIN.